A recent government poll in Japan revealed that Japanese people consider strengthening economic ties with the US a top diplomatic priority.
According to the poll released Friday, people in Japan believe closer economic ties should be a top priority in diplomacy with the US, the Mainichi daily reported.
The survey conducted by the Foreign Ministry on Feb. 3-9 with aged 18 or older residents, showed that 52.1% respondents consider “economy, trade and finance” as a key area in which Japan-US relations should be strengthened, followed by 49.7% of participants who believe “security, counter terrorism, nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation” a priority.
When asked if they thought the security environment around East Asia was becoming more severe, a combined 81.5% chose “very much” or “somewhat” options.
Among those were the 57.4% who believed Japan should enhance its cooperation with the US, Europe and Australia to address the situation.
Regarding Japan's role within the UN, 40% of respondents said the country should focus on reforming the UN, particularly its Security Council and General Assembly.
This was followed by 36.9% who highlighted the importance of Japan's involvement in peacekeeping operations.