Turkey ramps up efforts for extended-range electric car

- In both marketing and R&D, extended-range electric cars ‘will be our focus,’ science minister says


The Turkish government is supporting the production of long-range electric cars as part of its first fully domestic automobile production project, the Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Fikri Isik said on Tuesday.

In an interview broadcast on a private TV channel, Isik said that extended-range electric cars would be the priority, although the ministry is considering R&D for two different engine types.

'There will be an internal combustion engine, on the one hand, and there will be fully electric version as well. But, in both our marketing and R&D, the extended-range electric cars will be our focus,” Isik said.

Isik pointed out that an ordinary citizen drives on average 25 kilometers a day, and current electric cars, with a range of 100 kilometers (62.1 miles) are suitable for day-to-day use. Isik said that the plan is to install small power generators in the electric cars to charge them, and to enable them to manage long-range trips.

Isik said that testing of the first prototypes would begin in August, and the plan is to start mass production before 2020.

He said that the government would support the R&D projects and investors in every possible way, and would provide incentives so long as they do not conflict with Turkey’s international obligations.

By Fatih Erkan Dogan

Anadolu Agency
