Clash erupts between PKK, Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq

- Peshmerga commander based in Sinjar says tensions ongoing

A brief clash occurred late Tuesday between the PKK terrorist group and Hashd al-Shaabi militia in northern Iraq, according to a Peshmerga commander in the region.

Qasim Shesho, an Ezidi Peshmerga commander, told Anadolu Agency that the situation was complicated in Mosul city’s Sinjar district and such clashes would occur again between units of PKK terrorists and the Hashd al-Shaabi, a Shia contingent of the Iraqi army that also maintains a presence in Sinjar.

“The tensions are ongoing,” he added.

According to information obtained from eye witnesses, a group consisting of PKK-linked terrorists and supporters gathered in central Sinjar. The Iraqi army tried to disperse them.

No casualties have been reported, while two terrorist commanders were taken into custody by the Iraqi army.

It was also reported that the Hashd al-Shaabi wanted Ezidi Peshmerga forces in the region to leave the area, but it was rejected by the group.

- Claim of U.S. troop deployment in the region

On Saturday, Sinjar District Governor Mahma Khalil confirmed that U.S. soldiers had been recently deployed to Mount Sinjar, hoping to establish a military base there.

Also, on Friday, Colonel Ahmed al-Jubouri, head of the army’s Nineveh operations command, said an Iraqi force accompanied by U.S. “advisers” has assumed control over the border zone between Syria and Iraq.

In mid-2014, the YPG/PKK moved into Sinjar on the pretext of “protecting” the local Ezidi community from the Daesh terrorist group.

Earlier this year, after Turkey hinted at a possible military operation in Sinjar, the YPG/PKK announced plans to withdraw from the region.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU. Its three-decade terror campaign against Turkey has cost more than 40,000 lives, including women and children.

By Mazin Majeed Asaad Baqal and Azad Mohammed Abdullah in Duhok, Iraq

Anadolu Agency