Turkey's exports in July showed an annual hike of 11.8 percent, the Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TIM) announced on Wednesday.
Last month, the country's exports amounted to $14.1 billion, recording the highest figure ever for the month of July.
Speaking at a press conference in the country's Ministry of Trade, TIM's head Ismail Gulle noted that Turkey's exports totaled $96.3 billion from January to July.
Gulle said that the seven-month exports showed a 7 percent yearly increase while the 12-month overall exports rose 8.1 percent on a yearly basis, reaching $163.3 billion.
According to the statistical authority, Turkey's exports hit an all-time high of $157.6 billion in 2014. They amounted to nearly $157 billion last year.
By Muhammed Ali Gurtas
Anadolu Agency