Germany disappointed over outcome of UN climate conference

- Results of this year's climate conference, especially in area of ​​greenhouse gas reduction, fell short of our expectations, government spokesman says

A spokesman for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday expressed disappointment over the outcome of the UN climate conference COP27 held on Nov. 6-18 in the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

'The results of this year's World Climate Conference, especially in the area of ​​greenhouse gas reduction, fell short of our expectations. I think we have to clearly say this. We've put a lot of effort into it, but the result is what it is,' Steffen Hebestreit said during the weekly government news conference in Berlin.

Hebestreit echoed earlier statements by Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, who termed the results of the climate summit as 'insufficient.'

'A difficult climate conference has come to an end, with a result that cannot really make us satisfied,' Habeck told the newspapers of the Germany-based Funke media group.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who is responsible for international climate policy, complained about a 'blockade by a few large emitters and oil-producing countries.'

Only the center-left government coalition saw the agreement on a fund as progress, through which poor countries should receive compensation payments in the event of climate-related damage.

In addition to the fund for poor countries, the delegates decided on a work program to reduce greenhouse gases more quickly, but this fell short of the expectations of European countries.

By Oliver Towfigh Nia in Berlin

Anadolu Agency