Iranian president hails EU's INSTEX system

- Hassan Rouhani asserts that Iran will survive the economic difficulties buffed by the U.S. sanctions

Iranian president Saturday said EU showed that it could act independent of the U.S., saluting INSTEX (Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges) system that will ensure the maintenance of trade between Iran and EU.

Hassan Rouhani, in a statement by the Iranian presidency, commented on Washington's sanctions on Tehran and INSTEX system founded by the European countries.

Rouhani expressed satisfaction with EU's INSTEX, founded to maintain trade operations with Iran, despite it came 'late'.

'The false practices of the U.S. are short-lived and won't affect Iran's relations with the world. It is of no doubt that we will overcome this period,' he asserted.

By Muhammet Kursun in Tehran

Anadolu Agency