Morocco pursues phasing out fossil fuel consumption

- Morocco' ambitious energy transition will require scaling up of private, public investments by 2030

Morocco is making positive efforts to boost renewable investments, provide access to electricity, and phase out subsidies for fossil fuel consumption, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a statement on Tuesday.

In the IEA's latest in-depth review of Morocco’s energy policies, the agency said that Morocco has already taken important steps on institutional, legal and fiscal areas to promote the sustainable development of the country’s energy sector.

'Morocco is pursuing an ambitious energy transition pathway,' the IEA said but warned that the country needs to scale up private and public investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, in line with the country’s commitments to the Paris Agreement.

- Country relies on oil, renewables important

The IEA noted that Morocco has ample opportunities for efficiency improvements and more renewables deployment. For now, the country still relies on oil, gas and coal imports for 90% of its energy needs, and in power generation, coal accounts for 54%.

In Morocco's National Energy Efficiency Strategy and related action plans, public procurement is an important driver for the deployment of cost-effective energy efficiency services and technologies.

'Morocco also refurbished its coal-fired power generation fleet with efficiency upgrades to ultra-supercritical technology. Providing adequate funding for energy efficiency program and coordinating them across government agencies, is also critical,' the IEA stated.

The country's ambition and technological capabilities are illustrated in the world’s largest concentrating solar park at Ouarzazate, according to the agency.

To develop the country’s large renewables resources, the government is pursuing power sector reform, creating a national electricity regulatory authority, developing new interconnections with Spain and Portugal, and planning to boost power trading and integrate its electricity market regionally.

However, Morocco is currently fully dependent on oil product imports after the closure of its only refinery in 2015 and needs to invest in storage capacity and strengthen its stockholding regime.

Domestic gas discoveries and the global abundance of liquefied natural gas offer a new context for the role of gas in Morocco, the IEA said.

Morocco joined the IEA family as an association country in 2016.

By Gulsen Cagatay

Anadolu Agency