8th Turkish Wind Energy Congress starts Tues. in Ankara

- Two-day congress will host many companies and senior executives both from Turkey and abroad

Turkish Wind Energy Congress (TUREK 2019) organized by the Turkish Wind Energy Association (TUREB) will host a number of sessions to discuss various topics related to the wind energy sector on Tuesday in Ankara, TUREB announced on Monday.

The eighth event, of which Anadolu Agency is the global communication partner, will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Ankara on Nov. 5-6.

The event’s opening ceremony will host Turkey's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Fatih Donmez; Minister of Industry and Technology, Mustafa Varank; Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information, and Technology of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Mustafa Elitas and Chairman of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Mustafa Yilmaz.

TUREK 2019 will bring together many companies and senior executives both from Turkey and abroad, including the CEOs of global giants in wind turbine production.

By Busranur Begcecanli

Anadolu Agency
