Sanctions lift to solve Turkey-Iran gas crisis

- According to Iranian oil ministry, the gas dispute between Tehran and Ankara could be resolved with sanctions lift

The natural gas dispute between Iran and Turkey may be settled with sanctions lift, Iranian deputy oil minister for international affairs and trading said Monday.

According to Iranian news agency IRNA, Amir-Hossein Zamani-Nia said the lifting of sanctions would create a new environment allowing for the possible settlement of ongoing disputes and consequently the prospect of increased exports of Iranian gas to Turkey.

However, Turkey's natural gas prices dispute against Iran is still under investigation and no conclusion has yet been reached. 

'The talks with Ankara on the rise of gas exports and prices continues slowly,' Zamani-Nia said.

Iran and Turkey signed a 25 year-long natural gas deal in 1996 agreeing that Iran would export 30 million cubic meters of natural gas daily to Turkey.

Ankara argues that the natural gas price from Iran is high and should be lowered by 25 percent. However, Iran says if Turkey wants a discount it should increase the its gas imports from Iran.

Turkey filed two complaints against Iran in the International Court of Justice. The court has ruled in favor of Iran in the first case however no verdict has been issued on the second case yet.

By Murat Temizer

Anadolu Agency