Build of final unit of UAE Barakah nuke plant completed

- Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp. also finishes pipe welding and setting of key reactor equipment for coolant loop of unit four

The Barakah Nuclear Power Plant has come one step closer before its testing and commissioning phase with the construction of its final unit completed, the constructing company Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) said Tuesday.

ENEC completed the reactor containment building (RCB) dome for Unit 4 of the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant located in the Al Dhafrah region of Abu Dhabi, ENEC's statement read.

According to the statement, the company also completed the unit's reactor coolant loop (RCL) pipe welding, and the setting of key equipment.

The RCB houses the nuclear Reactor Vessel (RV), steam generators and other major components. Built out of concrete and heavily reinforced steel, RCBs are ranked among the strongest structures in the world, the company said.

The completion of welding of the RCL, which plays a key role in transferring heat from the RV to the steam generators, is another key step towards the start of major testing for the systems of Unit 4.

'Construction of the last unit of the plant commenced in 2015, and it continues to benefit from the lessons learned and experience gained by the teams responsible for the construction of the other three units. With construction completion for Unit 4 currently standing at 67 percent, the next phase for the unit will be to start the transition from construction to testing and commissioning,' Mohamed Al Hammadi, CEO of ENEC was quoted as saying.

Hammadi added that ENEC would deliver clean, safe and efficient electricity through peaceful nuclear energy to the U.A.E., in line with the highest international standards of quality and safety.

'These recent milestones are the result of the exceptional partnership between ENEC and its prime contractor and joint venture partner, the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), in combination with the dedication and expertise of our U.A.E. nationals and international experts,' Hammadi added.

By Huseyin Erdogan

Anadolu Agency