French Assystem to aid S. Arabia in nuke site studies

- Assystem will study Saudi Arabia's site characterization for nuclear power plant construction

French engineering consulting firm Assystem will conduct site characterization studies for Saudi Arabia to determine the best location for the construction of nuclear reactors, the company said in a statement.

According to the company, Assystem has recently been awarded a major contract by K.A.CARE, the Saudi Arabia authority in charge of the development of renewable energy and nuclear energy power.

The work to be carried out forms part of a project to build Saudi Arabia's first nuclear power plant following the Saudi government's announcement in July 2017 that it intends to add nuclear power to its energy mix with the objective of diversifying and boosting its power production capacity.

The services for in the contract involve site characterization studies including geological and seismic analyses as well as impact studies for environmental and demographic effects and the impact on electricity grids.

These characterization and impact studies will determine the most suitable site to build the first Saudi nuclear power plant.

By Huseyin Erdogan

Anadolu Agency