Orano to provide nuclear waste management service to UK

-French company awarded multi-million euro supply and professional services contract for UK nuclear waste logistics

Orano TN, the logistics subsidiary of the French global nuclear fuel cycle company, Orano, has been awarded a multi-million euro contract by British waste management company Low Level Waste Repository Ltd (LLWP) to supply packaging, professional services and equipment for the transport of waste from U.K. nuclear facilities, the company announced Tuesday.

The agreement covers the requirements of multiple U.K. nuclear site license companies for a duration of up to six years, a statement said.

'The scope of the contract includes the modernization and maintenance of three TN Gemini type packages, currently owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), with the supply of logistical equipment recently approved by the French Nuclear Safety Authority that will facilitate the transport of legacy waste stored on Magnox sites in TN Gemini containers,' it added.

According to the statement, the TN Gemini container is 'a high-integrity waste transport solution,' and 'a market-leading package with a high transport capacity and an internationally acclaimed safety pedigree'.

LLWR Program Manager Alan Jackson highlighted the importance of the new contract, saying LLWR's engagement with Orano TN for these supply and professional services contracts embodied a 'key' part of the company's mission.

'Not only does it represent LLWR's international outlook for the safest solutions to the U.K.'s waste transport program, but it also shows our commitment to gaining the best value for money for the U.K. taxpayer,' Jackson said.

According to Orano's statement, LLWR provides services to customers to treat and dispose of low level radioactive waste, in addition to managing the national Low Level Waste Repository in west Cumbria, on behalf of the NDA.

By Huseyin Erdogan

Anadolu Agency
