Turkish Petroleum to take part in Afghanistan oil search

- A consortium, including Turkish Petroleum, Calik and Bayat, committed a $90 million investment, which will start early 2016

Afghanistan petroleum minister announced a deal between the ministry and a consortium including Turkey's state-owned oil company to search for hydrocarbons in the north of country on Thursday.

The Afghan Mines and Petroleum Minister, Daud Saba, said that the consortium committed a $90 million investment in the country and the work will start in the beginning of 2016.

The official agreement with the consortium of Turkish Petroleum, Calik Energy from Turkey and Bayat Energy from Afghanistan, will be signed next week in Kabul.

'Afghanistan has a rich potential for oil and gas. It will benefit from the exploration phase, by creating jobs, hope and stability,' Saba said.

Totimaidan block in the Amu Darya basin, near Turkmenistan border of the country, is one of the most promising blocks in the country, he explained. 

Turkish Petroleum's head Besim Sisman said the company has been in the country for four years already and it will be the third block that the company is operating. 

'I believe that we will find something in Afghanistan. We have the potential,' Sisman said. 

A 2,500 meters deep seismic search and drilling of one well will be first part of the operation. 'After that, we will see how we can improve the project,' he added.

By Furkan Naci Top

Anadolu Agency
