ExxonMobil launches world's largest resin plant

- EscorezTM hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins plant in Singapore to be 'world's largest with a capacity of 90,000 tons per year'

ExxonMobil announced Wednesday that it started production at its new hdyrogenated hdyrocarbon resins plant in Singapore, which it said would be the world's largest with a capacity of 90,000 tons per year.

The new EscorezTM plant is located in the U.S. oil and gas giant's integrated manufacturing complex in Singapore, the company's largest integrated refining and petrochemical complex in the world.

The new 140,000-tons-per-year butyl plant 'will meet long-term demand growth for hot-melt adhesives used in packaging or baby diapers,' a statement said.

It will also produce premium halobutyl rubber used by manufacturers for tires that 'better maintain inflation to improve fuel economy', the company added.

John Verity, president of the ExxonMobil Chemical Company, said the new plants were part of the company's long-term plan for advantaged investments around the world.

'We remain committed to safe and environmentally-responsible operations as we manufacture products that support better living standards and economic progress for a fast-growing middle-class population in Asia Pacific,' he added.

By Huseyin Erdogan

Anadolu Agency
