Turkey will increase the private sector’s role in the natural gas market as part of a National Action Plan to access the EU, according to the Turkish EU Ministry's website.
Turkey will change its natural gas market regulations to increase the private sector’s participation, specify the national system operator, organize storage and LNG activities, ensure energy supply security and establish the wholesale gas market as part of an action plan announced by Turkey's EU Ministry.
The change of regulations in natural gas is expected to be in operation next year.
The accession negotiations between Turkey and the EU started in 2005. The energy chapter is the fifteenth title of the EU acquis and is not yet opened to negotiations as there is political blockage on the chapter. Turkey is currently making efforts to comply with EU regulations on energy.
Aside from the gas market, the action plan aims to regulate household electronic devices such as vacuum cleaners, lighting, ovens and electric engines in compliance with the EU to make greener designs and increase energy efficiency.
Turkey will also establish a new strategy to encourage renewable energy so that the current position is defined and targets for improvement are set.
The action plan foresees new steps to be taken to reach the target of 2023 to increase the share of renewables to 30 percent in the energy mix.
By Nihan Cabbaroglu
Anadolu Agency