100% renewables can be reality for global sustainability

- One hundred percent renewable energy can become a reality to achieve global sustainability, head of World Wind Energy Assoc.

The ambition of achieving 100 percent renewable energy in the energy mix to achieve a sustainable world can become a reality, according to Head of World Wind Energy Association on Monday. 

During the 14th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition in Jerusalem, Israel, Peter Rae, newly elected president of the World Wind Energy Association said in his opening speech that over one hundred countries worldwide have introduced wind generation to their electricity share, while more than 140 nations have joined the International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA. In addition, he said that more than 30 countries have already applied for membership to renewable energy associations.

Rae also said that more than a hundred countries have adopted renewable targets, with most having renewable energy policies achieving their targets amid the substantially more competitive costs offered  particularly in wind and solar compared to other energy resources. 

'The ambition to achieve 50 percent renewable energy and ultimately 100 percent renewable energy is no longer a dream to achieve a sustainable world,' he added. 

Laura Williamson, communication and outreach manager of Renewable Energy Policy Network for 21st century (REN21) from France, shared some statistics on renewable energy globally during her speech at the conference on Monday.

'Renewable energy has provided an estimated 19.1 percent of global final energy consumption in 2013,' she said, and added that the share of modern renewable energy increased by 10.1 percent globally.'

She said that China is the leading country in renewable wind and solar including hydropower investments, followed by the U.S and Japan. 

'Excluding hydro and in accordance with statistics within the scope of GDP, she said that Burundi, Kenya and Honduras are the leading countries which are making significant efforts to boost their renewable investments,' she stated. 

She also said that to date wind energy has reached 370 gigawatts (GW) adding that in 2014 alone, a capacity of 51 gigawatts was added globally, with 1.7 GW from offshore wind which was integrated into the grid.

According to Williamson, falling capital costs, technology advances in wind energy and competitively prices wind energy equipment have facilitated wind energy's penetration into more markets. 

In the host country, Uri Noy, partner of Erdinast, Ben Nathan and Co., Advocates, Israel said that there is a huge gap between Israeli wind energy targets and reality. 

He explained that despite the country's ambitions and plans to boost wind energy penetration to the electricity system, from 2009 and 2015 there had not been any development. However, for 2016, he said the country will be ready as there are several planned projects with their finances already in place for then.

The 14th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition in Jerusalem will run from Oct. 26 to 28. The event is hosting more than 40 representatives and wind energy authorities. 

By Gulsen Cagatay

Anadolu Agency
