Brussels briefing, June 22

An EU-China summit will take place via videoconference on Monday to discuss cooperation in response to the COVID-19 and recovery. Charles Michel, president of the European Council, and Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, will represent the EU. They will also review EU-China bilateral relations, economy and trade, connectivity, sustainable development and climate change, and security and defense. Leaders are also expected to discuss international and regional issues of interest to both sides.

A tripartite social summit will take place by videoconference on Tuesday. The main theme of this summit will be the “Contribution of the social partners to relaunching growth and employment in the aftermath of COVID-19'. The tripartite summit is a forum for dialogue between EU institutions at the presidential level and European social partners at the top management level.

EU environment and climate ministers will hold an informal videoconference on Tuesday to discuss how sustainable policies can contribute to the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

On Tuesday, EU ministers responsible for education will hold an informal meeting, via videoconference, focused on the implications of COVID-19 on education and training.

The European Parliament’s president and political group leaders, either conference leaders or presidents, will meet with the EC president to discuss upcoming negotiations on the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) on Tuesday. 

EP’s Budgets Committee on Wednesday will vote to mobilize €100 million in EU aid to support refugees and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon as well as €485 million to ensure that urgent humanitarian support continues for refugees in Turkey.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, will debate the current pandemic with the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee on Thursday.