The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TurkPatent) received 42,345 trademark applications -- 37,935 of them domestic -- in the first four months of 2018.
In April, TurkPatent received 13,976 trademark applications, an 8.1 percent year-on-year increase, according to a statement.
TurkPatent received 5,118 patent applications -- 1,827 domestic and 3,291 foreign.
Applications increased by 13.5 percent year-on-year in April to reach 1,319.
The office also received 988 utility model and 15,619 design applications during the period. Of them 97.4 percent utility model and 85.3 design applications were domestic.
However, not all applications received a positive response.
By the end of April, 27,888 trademarks, 4,615 patents, 181 utility model and 16,540 designs were registered by Turkpatent.
Last year, 121,108 trademark, 19,283 patent, 3,320 utility model and 46,854 design applications were made.
In 2017, 10,424 patents, 85,573 trademarks, 44,214 designs and 2,088 utility models were registered by TurkPatent.
Since 2011, Turkey has received more trademark applications yearly than any other European country -- over 100,000.
By Gokhan Ergocun
Anadolu Agency