There have been no compromises with the PKK/YPG-led SDF, a terrorist group active in Syria, in relation to its efforts for autonomy or self-governance, the Turkish foreign minister said on Friday.
“We do not believe any concessions have ever been made (to SDF) regarding attempts for autonomy or self-governance in Syria,” Hakan Fidan told TV100, a Turkish television channel.
“It is essential for all armed elements involved in terror acts in Syria to be excluded from the equation, and for all populations to return to normal life."
The YPG/PYD, which also uses the name SDF, is the PKK’s Syrian offshoot.
“Our advice to new Syrian administration is to grant Syrian Kurds their rights,” Fidan said. “This is very important for both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Türkiye.”
Call for dissolution of PKK terror group
The Turkish diplomat said the “call made to the (PKK) terror group should be heeded, and it should be seen as a historic opportunity."
The PKK “should take this call as a basis, and initiate process to disband itself,” he added.
If the PKK terror group “seizes this window of opportunity, it will be an opening for Türkiye and region. If others sway their mind, that’s up to them; we're ready for any scenario,” he said.
In its 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU – has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, infants, and the elderly.
The terrorist PKK's jailed ringleader, Abdullah Ocalan, on Feb. 27 called for the dissolution of the PKK and all groups under it, urging an end to its terror campaign.