
Guinea opposition leader claims victory in presidential vote

Cellou Dalein Diallo urges 'follow citizens to remain vigilant, mobilized to defend this victory for democracy'

Felix Tih  | 19.10.2020 - Update : 20.10.2020
Guinea opposition leader claims victory in presidential vote


Opposition leader Cellou Dalein Diallo has claimed victory in Guinea’s Sunday presidential election, a claim that was immediately met by the government crying foul.

In a series of tweets on Monday, Diallo said despite serious anomalies that marred the smooth running of the election: ''I emerged victorious from this election in the first round.''

Diallo took part in Sunday's election alongside nearly a dozen other candidates, including incumbent President Alpha Conde, who has been in office since 2010.

Diallo thanked party members and all those who supported his candidacy.

''I invite all my fellow citizens who love peace and justice to stay vigilant and committed to defend this democratic victory,'' Diallo tweeted.

In a statement, the government said Diallo's intention is to sow chaos and question the real results that will come out of the polls. ''This cannot and will not be accepted,'' said the statement.

''This strategy of forced, premature, and unjustified celebration was carefully planned long before the ballot by Mr. Cellou Dalein Diallo,'' it added.

Guinea has a two-round electoral system, with a second round triggered if no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote in the first.

In March 2020 a new Constitution passed via referendum reset presidential terms, allowing Conde to seek a third term.

Conde's Rally of the Guinean People (RPG) and his main opponent, Cellou Dalein Diallo's Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (UFDG), have accused each other of fueling inter-communal tensions during the campaign.

On Saturday the UN secretary-general called on ''all national stakeholders to ensure that the polls are conducted in an inclusive and peaceful manner.

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