Middle East, Africa

Thousands rally in Morocco, Yemen, Tunisia in solidarity with Gaza

Demonstrators call for end to conflict, delivery of aid to blockaded enclave

Anadolu staff  | 28.06.2024 - Update : 28.06.2024
Thousands rally in Morocco, Yemen, Tunisia in solidarity with Gaza Demonstrations in support of Gaza organized in Yemen


Thousands of people in Morocco, Yemen and Tunisia took to the streets on Friday in solidarity with Gaza, demanding support for the Palestinians and urging assistance for the war-torn territory where Israel has killed more than 37,000 people and reduced it to a rubble in just over eight months.

In Morocco, the demonstrations took place in several cities including Fez, Meknes, Tangier, Kenitra, Agadir, Berkane, Oujda, and Jerada.

The protesters called for action to support the Palestinian cause and the delivery of aid, considering the immense suffering and humanitarian crisis in the blockaded enclave.

They demanded a cease-fire and chanted slogans such as “Moroccan salute to resilient Palestine," and “People want Palestine’s liberation.”

In Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, crowds gathered and raised banners with writings such as “There is no dignity for the nations without victory for Gaza."

Similar demonstrations took place in other provinces, including Al Hudaydah, Hajjah, Saada, Taiz, and Ad Dali.

A statement issued by organizers of the protest in Sanaa called on Arab and Islamic media “to expose the crimes of the Israeli enemy and its Western supporters.”

In the government-controlled southwestern Yemeni city of Taiz, hundreds participated in a protest at Freedom Square. They raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans emphasizing Gaza’s resilience and honor.

Dozens of Tunisians rallied in the capital Tunis to protest the Israeli onslaught on Gaza. The rally was organized by a pro-Palestine group, during which the participants raised Palestinian flags, and voiced rejection of any attempt to normalize ties with Tel Aviv.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio and Ahmed Asmar

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