Canada investigating reports of 3 Chinese police stations in Toronto area
Tactic said to be used to capture Chinese targeted by Beijing

Police in Canada are investigating reports of three so-called Chinese police stations in Toronto which are supposedly being used to capture individuals targeted by the Chinese regime, the UK's Guardian newspaper reported Thursday.
Human-rights group, Safeguard Defenders, reported in September that China has set up police stations in various countries, including Canada.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said it is investigating the reports but was guarded when asked about the existence of illegal stations because the investigation is ongoing.
But the RCMP told Global News in a statement that it “takes threats to the security of individuals living in Canada very seriously and is aware that foreign states may seek to intimidate or harm communities or individuals within Canada.
“It is important for all individuals and groups living in Canada, regardless of their nationality, to know that there are support mechanisms in place to assist them when experiencing potential foreign interference or state-backed harassment and intimidation,” it said.
Safeguard Defenders said there are 54 Chinese police stations with the majority in Europe. The stations are alleged to convince Chinese dissidents to return to China.
The human rights organization said in its report that China has bragged it has "persuaded" 230,000 Chinese to "voluntarily" return home to face criminal charges.
Canadian Conservative Member of Parliament Michael Chong tweeted Wednesday that the stations represent "an outrageous intrusion on Canadian sovereignty."
Global News said it contacted the Embassy of the People's Republic of China for comment but did not hear back in time for publication on Wednesday.