
Canada sanctions 7 individuals, 5 entities for aiding Israeli extremist settlers in West Bank

'We remain deeply concerned by extremist settler violence in the West Bank and condemn such acts,' says foreign minister

Servet Gunerigok  | 27.06.2024 - Update : 27.06.2024
Canada sanctions 7 individuals, 5 entities for aiding Israeli extremist settlers in West Bank


Canada on Thursday said it sanctioned seven individuals and five entities for aiding Israeli extremist settlers in the occupied West Bank.

"This round of sanctions lists seven individuals and five entities for their role in facilitating, supporting or financially contributing to acts of violence by Israeli extremist settlers against Palestinian civilians and their property," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement said extremist settler violence has resulted in loss of life and damage to Palestinian property and farming lands.

"Attacks by extremist Israeli settlers—a long-standing source of tension and conflict in the region—undermine the human rights of Palestinians, prospects for a two-state solution and pose significant risks to regional security," it added.

The ministry said the seven individuals are Ben Zion Gopstein, Daniella Weiss, Einan Ben-Nir Amram Tanjil, Elisha Yered, Ely Federman, Meir Mordechai Ettinger and Shalom Zicherman.

The five entities are Amana, Hilltop Youth, Lehava, Moshe’s Farm and Zvi’s Farm.

"Canada continues to oppose the expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and is committed to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East," said the ministry.

Foreign Minister Melanie Joly called on Israeli authorities to ensure the protection of civilians and hold perpetrators of such violence accountable.

"We remain deeply concerned by extremist settler violence in the West Bank and condemn such acts, not only for the significant impact they have on Palestinian lives, but also for the corrosive impact they have on prospects for lasting peace," she said.

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