
Canadian UFO stufy takes off with several goals, including prevention of conspiracy theories

Top scientist conducting Sky Canada Project

Barry Ellsworth  | 01.03.2023 - Update : 01.03.2023
Canadian UFO stufy takes off with several goals, including prevention of conspiracy theories


Canada's top scientist will conduct a study of UFOs with several goals, including the prevention of "conspiracy theories," according to a report published Wednesday.

The Sky Canada Project will compile information on UFOs -- now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in scientific jargon -- and release the findings in 2024.

The information will "identify the key Canadian players and how they deal with UAP observations" as well as "compare the Canadian approach with some G7 countries' systems." It will also be used to "prepare for collaboration" with US initiatives on UAPs.

With those goals in mind, a nine-point presentation produced by the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada is making the rounds in various federal agencies, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canada Space Agency. It is an information-gathering exercise on UFOs.

The science office also wants reports from journalists to "collect observations to document rare natural phenomena," according to the Sky Canada Project presentation.

"Any emerging technology or unexplained phenomenon that is reported in the media is of interest to our office," a spokesperson for the government science office told CTV News.

The presentation lists several instances that are connected with unexplained objects in the sky, including "three videos declassified by the (US) Pentagon in 2020 (and) four unauthorized flying objects (shot) down by NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command)" in February.

The hope is that the report will serve to nip conspiracy theories in the bud by "giving access to collected information" and enhance national security by the prevention of "undetected intrusions" into Canadian territory.

The presentation is emphatic about what it is not intended to do.

"It is not meant to prove or deny the existence of extraterrestrial life or extraterrestrial visitors," said the presentation.

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