ANALYSIS - African Culture House: An example of First Lady Diplomacy
An example of cultural diplomacy, which is poised to become the melting pot of Turkish and African civilizations raising in the hand of women, is being showcased.

The writer is an advisor to the Turkish president.
The best example of the manifestation of our deep-rooted heritage of civilization, state tradition, and ancient values in our nation is our habit of sharing, and siding with those in difficulty. The Turkish nation has been known for centuries for its sensitivity and generosity, especially in the fight against injustice and the establishment of justice. Our relations with different societies are also built on these virtues.
A global justice issue
We live in a time when the impact of globalization along with technological developments is felt more day by day. We are within an international system where the burden of cruel market conditions and unfair income distribution is felt more heavily on some people's shoulders. On the one hand, there is a bloc, acting with the understanding of "the end justifies the means," that has exploited the wealth of other peoples for years, leaving others doomed to poverty while getting rich. Such that, as the white man's mission does not abstain from invading continents, usurping the existence of "the other," enslaving their people in the name of forcibly "civilizing" those who are different from himself, it also maintains its desire to keep the modern versions of the colonial order, which are the shameful records of history, alive even today in its post-colonial relations. Moreover, this mission is carried out with an arrogance that positions the earth by centering its establishment, begins the history of civilization with Rome and seals it with the West, and proclaims the end of history by saying that the ideal administration is mine until I can approve a better one.
On the other hand, there are those who prefer progressing together and equal relationship models, those who make policies on the axis of justice and virtue, those who comprehend that if one of us is not safe, none of us is safe and who read the spirit of the time correctly.
Ancient legacy of the new Turkiye
We witness a developing Turkiye that has grown its scale in every field in the last quarter-century. The momentum gained in foreign policy with the visionary leadership of our President has widened its horizon with "the African Initiative" led by Turkiye in 2005. Our nation has also supported this initiative with NGOs. The African continent, which struggles with natural disasters, poverty, internal conflicts, and terrorism, has started to follow policies to break dependencies and develop relationship models in this direction while struggling for existence after colonialism.
Accompanied also by First Lady Emine Erdogan, President Erdogan paid visits to many African countries. During these visits, the opportunity to get to know African countries closely, identify opportunities and needs on the ground, and establish a sincere bond with the administrators and peoples of the countries were found. In the matter of helping and sharing the oppressed people's pain, Our development agency, humanitarian aid organizations, foundations, and associations become operational as if competing with each other.
Of course, thanks to these bridges, friendships have been strengthened, trust has been built, agreements have been signed from every sector, our trade has increased, training programs have been developed, and our missions and representations have spread all over the continent. The rational politics and the means of cooperation have been strengthened with permanent, sustainable, and satisfactory projects.
The African House
Undoubtedly, the most unique of these projects is the African Culture House and Handicrafts Market. The foundations of this project were laid under Emine Erdogan’s leadership and it continues its work in Ankara under her auspices. The aim here is to support women and children -- who consist of the social group most affected by the difficult living conditions in Africa, such as disease, hunger, poverty, lack of education, and conflict -- to stand on their own legs again.
Handcrafted products are purchased from women producers in various African countries and brought to the buyer in a fair market at the value they deserve at the African Culture House and Handicrafts Market. The income generated is used for the capacity-building projects of African women. African House also organizes social and cultural activities. Programs that contribute to Turkiye-Africa relations are held. African students, whose numbers have increased considerably in recent years, ambassadors from African countries, academics serving in the African continent, business people, and NGOs are also the part of African House.
The activities of African House are taking shape with institutional contributions such as the foreign ministry, Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD), the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), The Presidency of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), Turkish Airlines (THY), and the support of academia, NGOs, embassies, and experts. Every year, Africa Day is marked on May 25. African Summits, trade forums, and expos are being attended. Events for performing African art are organized. Under the name of Talk Africa, the issues of Africa are discussed with experts at certain periods. The books of African Proverbs and African Food Culture are being published. Turkiye’s first lady introduced her book “My Travels to Africa” for the first time at the Turkish House in New York. African music and the community of performing arts are being formed now. In short, an example of cultural diplomacy, which is poised to become the melting pot of Turkish and African civilizations raising in the hand of women, is being showcased.
An example of First Lady Diplomacy
The African House, which supports our country's African policy and is an example of a First Lady diplomacy initiative, makes great contributions to our relations with the continent. It continues to touch hearts as a bridge and a sign of friendship. First Lady, who accompanied President Erdogan on his visits to Africa shared her experiences, evaluations, and feeling in her book. In her words, “Thanks to our mutual efforts, our ancient friendship with Africa should be considered a line in the pages of history. We have turned our friendship, rooted in history, into deep loyalty.”
*Opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of the Anadolu Agency.