Asia - Pacific

China launches 3 satellites for space-based internet program

Satellites mark 4th deployment in Internet Technology Demonstrator series

Alperen Aktas  | 30.12.2023 - Update : 30.12.2023
China launches 3 satellites for space-based internet program


China launched three experimental satellites into space Saturday from the Jiuquuan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gobi Desert, according to Chinese state-run Xinhua News.

The satellites, carried by a Long March 2C carrier rocket, blasted off at 8:13 a.m. local time.

The China Academy of Space Technology in Beijing developed and constructed the satellites as part of the space-based Internet Technology Demonstrator series.

This mission marks the fourth deployment of satellites in the series.

The initial launch occurred in July with two subsequent launches in November and December.

China has conducted 67 launches in 2023, with 47 carried out by the Long March rocket family, its main launch vehicle fleet.

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