Asia - Pacific

Philippines lodges diplomatic protest with China over sea clashes

Personnel from 2 sides clashed on disputed Second Thomas Shoal on June 17

Riyaz ul Khaliq  | 26.06.2024 - Update : 27.06.2024
Philippines lodges diplomatic protest with China over sea clashes


The Philippines has lodged a diplomatic protest with China over clashes between two sides in the disputed South China Sea.

“We have already sent a note verbale,” said Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo, according to

He was referring to clashes between Filipino soldiers and China Coast Guard on June 17 on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal.

One Filipino soldier lost his thumb on rights hand when vessels from the opposite sides collided.

While Beijing has said it blocked the Filipino vessel which “intruded” into its maritime waters, Manila has asserted its claim over the territory where it has grounded a World War II-era warship.​​​​​​​

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