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Turkmenistan celebrates 33rd anniversary of independence

Events held nationwide in celebration of Sept. 27 Independence Day

Ruslan Rehimov  | 27.09.2024 - Update : 27.09.2024
Turkmenistan celebrates 33rd anniversary of independence


Turkmenistan celebrated the 33rd anniversary of its independence with various events on Friday.

A ceremony was attended by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, members of the government, high-ranking officials, and representatives of foreign missions.

During the event, Turkmen artists and athletes performed traditional dances, music shows, and sports activities.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a referendum was held in Turkmenistan on Oct. 26, 1991, in which 94% of the population voted in favor of independence.

As a result of this vote, the law on the Foundations of Independence and State Structure of Turkmenistan was passed on Oct. 27, 1991, officially designating this date as Independence Day.

Later, on Oct. 9, 2017, an amendment to Turkmenistan's Constitution was made to revise the law regarding the celebration of Independence Day.

With this amendment, starting from 2018, Independence Day was moved to Sept. 27 and has since been celebrated across the country on this date.

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