
G7 leaders 'fully endorse' US-sponsored cease-fire deal in Gaza

G7 nations support 3-phase plan outlined by US President Biden, call for Hamas to accept deal

Giada Zampano  | 03.06.2024 - Update : 04.06.2024
G7 leaders 'fully endorse' US-sponsored cease-fire deal in Gaza Credit: @G7, X


Leaders of the Group of Seven nations on Monday said they "fully endorse" a proposal recently outlined by US President Joe Biden to end the fighting in the Gaza Strip that would lead to an immediate cease-fire.  

"We reaffirm our support for a credible pathway towards peace leading to a two State solution," the G7 leaders said in a joint statement on the agreement, which it said also includes "the release of all hostages, a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance for distribution throughout Gaza, and an enduring end to the crisis, with Israel's security interests and Gazan civilian safety assured." 

Biden on Friday aired what he described as a three-phase plan submitted by the Israeli government to end the war in the Gaza strip. The offer calls for a cease-fire, the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and the reconstruction of Gaza.

"We call on Hamas to accept this deal, that Israel is ready to move forward with, and we urge countries with influence over Hamas to help ensure that it does so," the G7 leaders said.

The G7 countries include Italy, the UK, US, France, Germany, Japan and Canada.

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