
Greek opposition urges probe after BBC claims coast guard pushbacks led to migrant deaths

‘We cannot get used to loss of human life,’ says SYRIZA migration policy chief over allegations of Greek Coast Guard abuse of migrants

Ahmet Gençtürk  | 18.06.2024 - Update : 18.06.2024
Greek opposition urges probe after BBC claims coast guard pushbacks led to migrant deaths


Greece’s main opposition SYRIZA party on Tuesday urged an investigation after a BBC report alleged that illegal Greek Coast Guard pushbacks in the Aegean Sea led to the death of many migrants.

Speaking to the BBC, SYRIZA’s migration policy chief Giorgos Psychogios said, “We demand in-depth investigation, we demand answers, we demand accountability, and the reason we do it is this.”

"We care about all human life, and we cannot get used to the loss of human life,” he added.

On Monday, a BBC investigation said that a total of 43 people died in 15 separate incidents linked to the actions of the Greek Coast Guard over a three-year period.

The accusations stem from practices where migrants were forced out of Greek territorial waters (pushbacks) or returned to the sea after reaching Greek islands.

The primary sources for these allegations include local media reports, non-governmental organizations, and the Coast Guard in neighboring Türkiye.

Footage obtained during the investigation shows 12 people being loaded onto a Greek Coast Guard boat and subsequently abandoned on a dinghy.

The Greek government has faced long-standing accusations from NGOs, governments, and international watchdogs of engaging in forced returns, often pushing migrants – including women and children – back towards Türkiye, where they initially crossed from.

Such actions are illegal under international law. Despite these accusations, the Greek Coast Guard has firmly denied any involvement in illegal activities.

This BBC investigation marks the first time the number of fatal incidents allegedly involving the Greek Coast Guard has been calculated.​​​​​​​

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