
Restaurant owner in Sweden refuses to sell drinks to Quran-burner Momika

Restaurant owner asks Salwan Momika to leave his restaurant, broadcasts incident on social media

Atilla Altuntas  | 24.07.2023 - Update : 24.07.2023
Restaurant owner in Sweden refuses to sell drinks to Quran-burner Momika


Iraqi-born Salwan Momika, who burned the Quran in Sweden, was turned away from a restaurant owned by a Christian Iraqi immigrant.

Ibrahim Sirimci, who runs a restaurant in the capital Stockholm, refused to sell soft drinks to Momika.

The restaurant owner shared the incident live on social media.

A Christian Iraqi citizen who was also at the restaurant told Momika: "I'm Iraqi too, I'm a Christian. What you did is shameful. You insulted Islam. You hurt us as you hurt everyone else."

Speaking to Anadolu, Sirimci said Momika came to his shop to buy soft drinks, and when he realized who he was, he did not sell it to him.

Sirimci said: "He came to my shop and wanted to buy soft drinks. I recognized him and said, 'You are the person who burns Quran, you cannot have any soft drinks.'"

Momika, an Iraqi-origin man living in Sweden, burned the Quran under police protection in front of the Stockholm Mosque on the first day of Eid al-Adha.

On July 20, Momika trampled the Quran and the Iraqi flag under police protection in front of the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm.

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