Europe, Latest on coronavirus outbreak

Switzerland reports first death from COVID-19

74-year-old woman dies two days after taken to hospital, says Health Ministry

Peter Kenny  | 05.03.2020 - Update : 05.03.2020
Switzerland reports first death from COVID-19


Switzerland has recorded its first death from COVID-19 after authorities confirmed a 74-year-old woman died overnight at a hospital in Vaud Canton.  

"The deceased is a 74-year-old woman infected with the coronavirus," said Federal Office of Public Health on Thursday.

The woman had been undergoing treatment at the Lausanne University since March 3 for a chronic illness and was considered at high risk, it said.   

The Federal Office of Public Health also said that nearly 100 people had tested positive for the deadly virus with 58 confirmed and more pending. 

It noted that so far mostly young people had contracted the disease in Switzerland, but they were likely to pass it on to older people who are more at risk. 

The Swiss government on Monday banned events and gatherings of more than 1,000 people. 

It has advised people to keep their distance, avoid shaking hands, and refrain from a traditional Swiss triple-kiss greeting. 

The Geneva headquarters of the UN has canceled several events due to COVID-19, including all side events during the current 42nd session of the Human Rights Council.

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