Teachers in Serbia protest against school violence
Protesters draw attention to violence against teachers, students in schools

NIS, Serbia
Educators in Serbia on Thursday protested against all kinds of violence in schools.
The protest was attended by a large number of teachers, educators, parents, and students in Nis city, upon the call of the Serbian Education Workers' Union, which has 30,000 members across the country.
Drawing attention to the violence against teachers and students in schools, the protesters were carrying banners reading "We give information and expect respect", "Chair today, fist tomorrow", "End violence against teachers" and "Stop violence at school.”
Miroslav Stevanovic, one of the protesters, said: "We have come to call on the minister of education, school principals, and teachers not to cover up violence in schools."
Stevanovic noted that violence against teachers in schools is increasing in the country.
Noting that education should be the "foundation pillar" of society, Zorica Milenkovic, another protester, said: "We are raising the doctors, educators, and psychologists of the future. That's why it is very important for the education system to be stable and safe. I came to support my colleagues.”
Employees from 820 high schools and 47 secondary schools in 47 cities supported the demonstrations. Classes were suspended for a day due to the demonstrations.