Middle East

10 people, mostly children and women, killed in air strikes in southwestern Syria

Unidentified warplanes launch air strikes on villages of Malah, Urman in south of Suwayda province

Esref Musa and Mehmet Burak Karacaoglu  | 18.01.2024 - Update : 18.01.2024
10 people, mostly children and women, killed in air strikes in southwestern Syria


At least 10 people, mostly children and women, were killed in air strikes carried out by unidentified warplanes in southwestern Syria late on Wednesday, according to local sources.

Warplanes conducted air strikes on the villages of Malah and Urman in the south of Suwayda province at around 1 a.m. local time (2200GMT Wednesday), said the sources.

The fatalities, including four women and two children, occurred in Urman, while the air strike on Malah caused material damage.

The Bashar al-Assad regime has not made any statements regarding the attack.

Unidentified warplanes, at times, carry out air strikes on drug production facilities in Suwayda and Quneitra provinces.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz

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