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Antalya Diplomacy Forum serves theme 'perfectly' in Black Sea: Regional organization head

Forum's theme, 'Advancing diplomacy in times of turmoil,' fits perfectly with region of Black Sea Economic Cooperation, says secretary general

Büşranur Koca, Muhammet Tarhan  | 04.03.2024 - Update : 04.03.2024
Antalya Diplomacy Forum serves theme 'perfectly' in Black Sea: Regional organization head A general view of the "Black Sea: A Regional Ownership Version 2.0 ?" panel within the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) at NEST Congress and Exhibition Center in Antalya, Turkiye on March 02, 2024.


Türkiye's annual Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) has served "perfectly" in its role to advance diplomacy in times of turmoil around the Black Sea, according to the secretary general of a regional organization. 

"I've been participating in many fora like the ADF, but I have to tell you that the ADF has been one of the most relevant," Lazar Comanescu, secretary general of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), told Anadolu at the NEST Convention Center, where the event was held in the Mediterranean province of Antalya.

Comanescu emphasized that the three-day forum, which began Friday and lasted through the weekend, has attracted important figures to attend, while also addressing major issues.

On this year's theme, "Advancing diplomacy in times of turmoil," he said it fit perfectly with its impact on the Black Sea region, which has been witnessing "quite a lot of turmoil."    

Türkiye's BSEC chairmanship

During the interview, Comanescu praised the important decisions made in Türkiye's six-month rotating term as BSEC chair, which it handed over to Albania late last year.

Of particular importance was the revision of the regional organization's economic agenda, adopted by the foreign ministers of its 13 members late last year.

Noting that this agenda will shape its strategy and spell out its priorities over the next decade, Comanescu said its adoption proves the member states' understanding of BSEC's important role enhancing regional economic cooperation "despite the turmoil which we witnessed because of the war in Ukraine."

He said another major decision taken during Türkiye's term was the reactivation of BSEC's project development plan, aiming to strengthen its project-oriented activities.

"There are others as well, for example, the consolidation, the enhancement of the BSEC Business Council, which is an important body of business of the organization," he added.  

BSEC fully resumes activities

Comanescu noted that while the organization was not spared the regional impact of the Russia-Ukraine war, it has now resumed its activities.

"The reality is that for more than half a year in 2022, our organization practically had to defer many of its activities,

"But thanks also to the constructive approach of the member states, we've been able to resume the activity of the organization and now we are now almost in full back to our activities," he said, adding:

"The important thing is to build upon what has been achieved, so as to further enhance the capability of the organization, and to contribute to the economic cooperation."  

All conflicts have global effects

On Israel's ongoing offensive on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, Comanescu voiced hope that the crisis in the Middle East be settled as soon as possible

"We are living in a world where crisis in one corner of the world affects the world globally. So, my main remark on this topic is that, of course, any crisis, any conflict is affecting globally, including our region," he said.

The BSEC secretary general also highlighted the organization's plans for 2024, saying his priority is to introduce a proposal on the "concrete implementation of the BSEC Economic Agenda."

He said they would also "come up with concrete proposals of projects to be implemented in the near future."  

*Writing by Emir Yildirim in Istanbul

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