Middle East

Saudi Arabia condemns Iran terror attacks

On 4th anniversary of Qassem Soleimani's death, explosions leave 95 dead, 211 injured in Kerman

Alperen Aktaş  | 04.01.2024 - Update : 04.01.2024
Saudi Arabia condemns Iran terror attacks


Saudi Arabia condemned a terror attack Wednesday in Iran during a ceremony to commemorate a top Iranian general who was assassinated four years ago by the US. 

The Foreign Ministry said Riyadh rejects and condemns the terror attack targeting civilians in Kerman.

It expressed condolences to Iran for those killed in the explosion and wished the swift recovery of the injured.

The explosions occurred on a route leading to the cemetery where Qassem Soleimani, the former head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, is buried.

At least 103 people were killed, according to Sayyed Mohammad Saberi, the head of the city's Emergency Organization.

Officials declared that the explosions were a terror attack.

Soleimani was killed Jan 3, 2020, in a US drone strike outside the Baghdad airport in Iraq.  

*Writing by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul

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