Anadolu Agency head: 'Attacks shall never daunt us'
Senol Kazanci brands Israeli airstrike on agency's Gaza office an attack on free press and public access information

The head of Anadolu Agency late Saturday firmly condemned Israeli airstrikes that razed the office in the Gaza Strip of Anadolu, Turkey’s premier news agency.
"Our colleagues working in our Gaza office left the building shortly before the attack, thus avoiding any loss of life," Senol Kazanci, Anadolu Agency director general, said in a statement.
The statement continued: “It is clear that the Israeli army directly targeted the offices and employees of Anadolu Agency in Gaza.
“This attack on Anadolu Agency and its employees is an attack on the free press and the public freedom to access information.
“This attack by Israel is not the first attack on journalists and media outlets in Palestine. We want the whole world to know that these attacks cannot intimidate us.
“With our teams in Palestine and Gaza, Anadolu Agency will continue to inform the world without any interruption about the righteous struggle of the Palestinians and the unjustifiable aggressions of the Israelis.
“Israel's reckless assaults on civilians, women, children, and the elderly has changed its dimension and is now directed towards media organizations, freedom of the press, and the world’s right to access information.
“The failure to date to do something in the face of Israeli war crimes is one of the most obvious reasons for the current recklessness.
“We invite all media organizations in our country and around the world to react and take a clear stand of solidarity in the wake of this Israeli aggression. Silence in the face this attack on the Anadolu Agency will embolden Israel to target other media organizations.
“We express our expectation of a sincere response from international organizations that claim to be sensitive to freedom of the press but are silent when attacks come from Israel.
“I wish our colleagues in the Gaza office and their families quick recovery.
“I also express my gratitude to our president, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who called me personally to convey his message of sympathy, as well as our ministers, citizens, and the officials at the Palestinian government and organizations.”
Founded in 1920 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk -- founding father of Turkish Republic -- Anadolu Agency currently produces news in 13 languages and serves 6,000 subscribers in 93 countries, with at least 3,000 employees stationed in 100 countries.
On a daily basis, Anadolu Agency on average publishes 1,600 stories, 2,300 photos, six infographics, and 400 videos, and airs 15 live broadcasts.