Middle East

Israeli army launches airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon amid tension

Escalation follows killing of senior Hezbollah commander in Israeli airstrike

Zein Khalil  | 12.06.2024 - Update : 12.06.2024
Israeli army launches airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon amid tension


Israeli warplanes staged airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon on Wednesday, according to the military.

The hit targets included “military structures in Yater and Markaba and infrastructure in the area of Tallouseh,” a military statement said.

The army said two Hezbollah rocket launchers used to fire projectiles towards northern Israel were also struck in the towns of Taybeh and Markaba.

Artillery shelling also targeted the area of Rachaya Al Foukhar from which projectiles were fired, it added.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army said air sirens sounded in northern Israel “due to the danger of falling shrapnel from the interceptor” fired toward suspicious aerial targets.

No injuries were reported.

According to Israeli Army Radio around 215 rockets and drones were fired by Hezbollah from southern Lebanon into northern Israel since Wednesday morning, in the largest attack since the outbreak of cross-border clashes between the two sides last October.

It followed the death of four Hezbollah fighters, including a senior commander, in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon Tuesday night.

Tensions have flared along Lebanon's border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv pressed ahead with its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,200 people since last Oct. 7 following a Hamas attack.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio

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