World, Middle East

Israeli fans share songs insulting Prophet Muhammad

Arab Knesset member demands removal of songs from YouTube

Mahmoud Mohamed Barakat  | 27.10.2020 - Update : 27.10.2020
Israeli fans share songs insulting Prophet Muhammad


Israeli football fans shared songs containing insulting phrases of the Prophet Muhammad on YouTube, according to Arab member of Knesset (Israel's parliament) Ayman Odeh.

Odeh said, "Fans of the [Beitar Jerusalem] football club recently published on YouTube offensive songs of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

He added the songs have recently begun to gain "popularity with the rise in Islamophobic incitement in the world."

He demanded internet giant Google, which owns YouTube, to delete the offensive songs.

The songs come in conjunction with increasing Islamophobia in France manifested in the publication of insulting pictures and cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which sparked anger across the Islamic world.

*Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

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