World, Middle East

Israeli forces storm Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem amid demolitions

Local officials say Israeli authorities plan to demolish around 100 homes in the area

Abdelraouf Arna'out  | 29.06.2021 - Update : 29.06.2021
Israeli forces storm Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem amid demolitions


Israeli police forces raided the Silwan neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem on Tuesday, amid Palestinian fears of conducting home demolitions in the area.

According to local residents, the Israeli raid triggered clashes with Palestinian residents in Al-Bustan quarter in the neighborhood.

Israeli forces fired teargas canisters and rubber-coated bullets to disperse angry Palestinians amid calls through mosque loudspeakers for residents to gather to protect their homes, eyewitnesses said.

According to local residents, Israeli forces demolished a Palestinian store in Al-Bustan area.

There has been no comment from Israeli authorities on the report.

Local officials in Silwan have earlier warned of Israeli plans to demolish around 100 homes in al-Bustan quarter under the pretext of lack of building permit and constructing a biblical garden in their place.

Israeli authorities have already issued demolition orders for 13 Palestinian homes in al-Bustan quarter.

Ahmed Asmar contributed to this report from Ankara

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