Middle East

Opposition Kurdish politician’s brother kidnapped by PKK/YPG terror group in Syria

‘In addition to my twin brother Fethullah Keddo, nine media workers, politicians, and activists have been detained in PYD prisons in 2024, and their whereabouts are still unknown,’ Abdullah Keddo tells Anadolu

Esref Musa  | 04.09.2024 - Update : 04.09.2024
Opposition Kurdish politician’s brother kidnapped by PKK/YPG terror group in Syria Foto: AA/Archive


A representative of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS), said Wednesday that he has not heard from his twin brother who suffers from a heart condition since he was kidnapped by PKK/YPG terrorists in the Kamishli district of Hasakah in Syria on June 15.

Abdullah Keddo told Anadolu that the PKK/YPG terror group continues to abduct journalists, politicians and activists in northeastern Syria.

"In addition to my twin brother Fethullah Keddo, nine media workers, politicians, and activists have been detained in PYD prisons in 2024, and their whereabouts are still unknown," he said.

Keddo said he does not know the fate of his brother.

He noted that Fethullah is 60 and suffers from a heart condition.

"His family in Kamishli has not received any news from him during the entire period of his abduction," he said.

Keddo appealed to the US, which supports the PKK/YPG, to immediately release political prisoners.

In northeastern Syria, the PKK/YPG terror group is trying to intimidate opposition Kurds and Arabs through various forms of pressure in the areas it controls.

Opposition Kurdish politician Fethullah Keddo was born in 1964 in the Kamishli district of Hasakah.

A graduate of the Medical Radiology Institute, Keddo is married and has six children.

In its more than 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terror organization by Türkiye, the US and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children and infants. The YPG/PYD is PKK’s Syrian offshoot.

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