Middle East

Palestinian resistance group commander resurfaces at funeral amid death rumors in West Bank

On Friday, Israeli media circulated reports of Mohammed Jaber's death

Awad Rajoob  | 22.04.2024 - Update : 22.04.2024
Palestinian resistance group commander resurfaces at funeral amid death rumors in West Bank

RAMALLAH, Palestine

A Palestinian resistance group commander reappeared during the funeral of Palestinians on Sunday evening, two days after rumors of his death in West Bank.

Mohammed Jaber, also known as Abu Shuja, commander of the Nour Shams Brigade affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades, unexpectedly participated in the funeral of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army during raid on the camp in Tulkarem, northern occupied West Bank, between Thursday and Saturday.

Surrounded by journalists, Abu Shuja told Anadolu: "They (Israeli army forces) did raid the Nour Shams Refugee Camp, indeed, and we had martyrs, praise be to Allah."

On Friday, Israeli media circulated reports of Abu Shuja's death, with the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper stating that he was killed in an exchange of gunfire in the Nour Shams camp.

The newspaper described him as "one of the top men wanted by the Israeli army in the West Bank, and he directed many operations against Israelis."

Abu Shuja has previously been detained in Israeli prisons and has been pursued for years, repeatedly evading assassination attempts and arrests, according to sources in the camp.

At least 14 Palestinians were killed in Israeli military raids in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm in the northern West Bank, the Palestinian Health Ministry said Saturday.

Parallel to its onslaught on the Gaza Strip since Oct 7, 2023, the Israeli army has escalated raids and arrests in the West Bank, including the occupied Jerusalem.

The destructive offensive on Gaza has resulted in more than 34,000 deaths, most of them children and women, along with massive destruction and famine that has killed children and the elderly, according to Palestinian and international data.

Israel continues its war despite a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire. Tel Aviv is also facing charges of "genocide" before the International Court of Justice.

*Writing by Mohammad Sio in Istanbul

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