World, Middle East

UK petition calls for expulsion of Israeli ambassador over using 'genocidal language'

Petition to expel Israel’s ambassador to UK amassed 80,450 signatures

Aysu Bicer  | 06.01.2024 - Update : 07.01.2024
UK petition calls for expulsion of Israeli ambassador over using 'genocidal language'


A petition calling for the expulsion of Israeli Ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely has gained significant traction, amassing over 80,450 signatures within a single day.

The petition, which has surpassed the 10,000-signature threshold that triggers a response from the UK parliament, asserts that Hotovely is now using "genocidal language."

"The Ambassador is now using openly genocidal language and is advocating for a genocidal act to take place. The ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank continues," it said in a statement.

The rapidly growing support reflects a diverse range of voices calling for accountability in light of the ambassador's recent remarks.

Hotovely, known for her staunch views, unequivocally dismissed the idea of a two-state solution, stating a resounding "absolutely no" to the prospect of a future Palestinian state.

After 100,000 signatures, petitions are considered for debate in parliament.

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