Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Depremlerden etkilenen Hatay'daki Aççana Höyük'te, duvar kalıntılarının kaldırılması sırasında 3 bin 800 yıllık olduğu değerlendirilen ve Akadca "kent satışı sözleşmesi"ne ilişkin bilgiler veren çivi yazılı kil tablet bulundu. Saray duvarları kalıntılarının bazı bölümlerinde deprem sonrası hasar oluşan höyükte, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı öncülüğünde onarım ve koruma çalışması başlatıldı. ( Salim Taş - Anadolu Ajansı )
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head
Tablet features contract on sales of a city, which consists of information about parties, witnesses, says team head