Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )

Parliamentary (Bundestag) election in Germany
Fotoğraf: Abdulhamid Hoşbaş

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 26: People cast their votes Parliamentary (Bundestag) election at a poll station in Berlin, Germany on September 26, 2021. ( Abdulhamid Hoşbaş - Anadolu Agency )


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