BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

Mehmetçik'in terörle mücadelesinde önemli görevler üstlenen askeri köpekler, henüz yavruyken başladıkları eğitimlerinde zorlu aşamaları geçerek göreve hazır hale geliyor. Mehmetçik'in riskli bölgelerdeki operasyonlarında mayın ve bomba arama, keşif gibi görevleri yerine getiren askeri köpekler, Bursa'nın Gemlik ilçesindeki Askeri Veteriner Okulu ve Eğitim Merkezi Komutanlığı'nda özenle yetiştiriliyor. Köpekler, doğduktan 3 ay sonra eğitim için en elverişli çağa ulaşmalarıyla Köpek Üretim ve Eğitim Tabur Komutanlığı'na bağlı mayın arama, bomba arama, narkotik madde arama, arama kurtarma, takip, devriye ve keşif eğitim takımlarının uzman eğiticilerince test ediliyor. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Military working dogs are being trained by Turkish soldiers at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: A baby dog is being fed at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. The dogs are started to be trained when they were little puppies to be sent duty places. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )

BURSA, TURKEY - JANUARY 17: Puppies are seen at Military Veterinary School and Training Command at Gemlik district of Bursa, Turkey on January 17, 2020. The dogs are started to be trained when they were little puppies to be sent duty places. Military trained dogs carrying out missions such as reconnaissance of mines and bombs in the risky operations. ( Ali Atmaca - Anadolu Agency )