Russia-Ukraine War

Zelesnkyy visits combat positions in Ukraine's Donetsk region

Ukrainian president says he thanked 'combat medics, the men and women who do the most important work'

Elena Teslova  | 26.06.2024 - Update : 26.06.2024
Zelesnkyy visits combat positions in Ukraine's Donetsk region President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (front) meets with the Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin (rear) in Donetsk Region, Ukraine on April 19, 2024.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday said he visited combat positions in Ukraine together with military chiefs.

"Donetsk region. Together with our warriors, together with Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi and the new Commander of the Joint Forces, General Hnatov. Today, I officially introduced Andriy Hnatov to all those responsible for defense in the Donetsk region," Zelesnkyy wrote on Telegram.

The president added that he "listened to the reports directly from the positions" and "was pleased to personally visit and thank our 110th and 47th brigades."

"I thanked our combat medics, the men and women who do the most important work – stabilizing the wounded, saving lives, providing maximum support. It is touching to see such dedication and willingness to help," he said.

Zelesnkyy said he discussed a lot of matters, including ensuring the essentials of life such as water, social issues, evacuation, assistance for defense, and the restoration of housing.

"There will be a separate conversation in Kyiv, particularly with officials who must be here and in other areas near the frontline – in difficult communities where people need immediate solutions. Solutions that simply cannot be seen from Kyiv," he said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that he was unaware that some relevant officials had not been there for six months or more and warned there would be "a serious conversation" to "draw appropriate conclusions regarding them."

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