
Qatar MotoGP opener cancelled over coronavirus threat

First race of 2020 season cancelled due to travel restrictions for Italian passengers over COVID-19 fears

Muhammed Enes Calli  | 02.03.2020 - Update : 02.03.2020
Qatar MotoGP opener cancelled over coronavirus threat


The season opener of the 2020 MotoGP in Qatar will not take place due to travel restrictions for Italian passengers amid concern over the novel coronavirus outbreak.

"FIM, IRTA and Dorna regret to announce the cancellation of all MotoGP™ class sessions at the Grand Prix of Qatar, including the race," MotoGP announced Sunday on its website.

"The ongoing coronavirus outbreak has resulted in Qatar travel restrictions being brought into force that affect passengers from Italy, amongst other countries. As of today, all passengers arriving at Doha on direct flights from Italy, or having been in Italy in the past 2 weeks, will be taken straight to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days," it added.

"Italy clearly plays a vital role in the Championship and in the MotoGP class -- both on track and off -- and therefore the decision has been taken to cancel premier class competition," it said.

The opening race of the Qatar Grand Prix was scheduled to be held at the Losail International Circuit in Doha on March 8.

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