Speaking at the third summit meeting of the presidents of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States in the Azerbaijani city of Qebele, Gul said the cooperation council have taken important steps so far to be recognized, wishing other Turkish organizations would strengthen and develop themselves as well.
Mutual historical and cultural inheritance of ours does not only shape our past but also our future, said Gul.
"Turkish world constitutes an important part of a big civilization. Cooperation and solidarity among the Turkish states will contribute to the development of peace, stability and welfare in Eurasia region," said Gul. " Cooperation among us will continue to improve."
Gul said solidarity among the member countries of the cooperation council on the international stage serves as a model, adding there was more need for cooperation and solidarity than ever today.
Cultural and economic integration of the Turkish world depends on projects to be carried out in the field transport, which is on the agenda of the summit, said Gul, adding "Our countries are situated on a strategic route which connects Europe with Asia."
"Turkey has been working on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project which will directly connect Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, and also help improve economic and commercial affairs. "
"When the project has been finished in 2014 it will be integrated with the Marmaray Rail Tube Tunnel project, an undersea rail tunnel beneath the Istanbul Strait,which will be completed in the coming October, and will join Europe with Asia providing fast and secure travel between the continents, said Gul. "It will connect the Beijing-London line"
Gul also emphasized the importance of land route and urged the member states to modernize transit points and to standardize proceedings at customs gates, which he said plays an important role in improving economic cooperation.
- Disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region a major issue-
Gul said Nagorno-Karabakh region, an unresolved dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia, was one of the primary issues for the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.
He also added Turkey would continue to support Azerbaijan to claim its occupied lands.
Azerbaijan is assuming the term presidency of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States and Turkey will assume the next term presidency in 2014.
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey are the member counties of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.
Later, Gul came together with his counterpart from Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.