TRNC slams UN Peacekeeping Force for blocking entrance to Taksim Field
‘UN should immediately reverse this mistake, which is understood to have been made by Greek Cypriot pressure,’ says TRNC presidency

LEFKOSA, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) slammed the UN Peacekeeping Force on Thursday for blocking the entrance to Taksim Field, which is located in the buffer zone on the border with the Greek side.
“We do not accept the UN Peacekeeping Force's attitude to prevent physical access to the area in question. Taksim Field, which has great importance in the just struggle of the Turkish Cypriot people, in its history and past, both in terms of sports and culture, has been in use by the Cetinkaya Sports Club since 1930,” the Presidency of the TRNC said in a statement.
Installing barbed wire at the gates, damaging the historical Lefkosa walls and placing block barriers not only violates the status quo but also causes deprivation of rights, it said.
“The UN should immediately reverse this mistake, which is understood to have been made by Greek Cypriot pressure, before the crisis escalates,” it added.
Underlining that the UN Peacekeeping Force has for decades ignored Greek violations in the buffer zone, it called on them to comply with the UN's principles and rules, which include impartiality.
Necessary actions will be taken to protect the rights of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and to ensure that young people do not stay away from the field, it added.
TRNC Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertugruloglu said on a state TV channel that the UN is trying to create a crisis.
“That site should be restored to the way it was before it was demolished in 2014,” he added.
An official opening ceremony was planned for this week for the site, which was rebuilt with the financial and project support of Türkiye.
The UN Peacekeeping Force placed barriers between the site and the walls to prevent access to Taksim Field from TRNC territory.